Saturday, October 11, 2008

The most exciting thing that happened this month would be last week. Suzy somehow managed to inhale almond chunks into her lungs so we had to take her to the ER at Primary Children's hospital. That same night she had a procedure done by putting a camera down her throat and picking out the pieces. The doc said if we would have waited much longer there was a good possibility that her lung would have collapsed, yea.... it was scary. Thankfully she is doing great now!! So the moral of the story is, as the doctor said, dont feed any child under the age of six nuts because this happens all the time. To bad we didnt know that earlier, it would have saved us a chunk of money. Oh well, life is life. Zayne is cuter than ever, as you can see in the pictures. Suzy is pretty cute too, although she tests my patients alot more and I am in love with my sweet husband!! Life is good!


Rebecca said...

Hey Jenny! That is so scary about Suzie! I am relieved that everything worked out fine. How is she doing now?

Wendy said...

That is so scary to think that it happens all the time. Mea loves nuts, I'm not sure how she'll feel when I take them away.

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Oh my goodness Jenny!! How scary! Poor lil Suzy. I hope she is doing well now, so glad you got caught her before anything worse happened! I thought I had you on my google reader and haven't checked your blog forever. Looks like I don't have you on there cuz, I have missed a ton of posts!! Zane is ADORABLE!! I love suzy's hair in the hotdot piggy tails. Love you miss you.